Our Core Values.



Experiencing the presence of God through His Spirit by expressing our adoration, reverence and devotion through praise and prayer both collectively and individually. Spending time in God’s Word by listening, teaching and talking with Him is central to all that we do.

Mission & Service.

At BPC we want to be obedient to Jesus’ command to go out into the world and make disciples, by being Christians in our local community both in word and deed


 Through learning from God’s Word and encouraging one another to live as Jesus would. It means growing deeper in faith in Christ so that our lives led by the Spirit radiate the love of Jesus and reflect His values and attributes to others.

Pastoral Care.

Is central to our church family. Jesus’ command to love one another reminds us of our calling to care for one another physically, emotionally and spiritually.


Honouring God. Serving God. Making Disciples.